
Class of 2021 Crest Unveiling

2022 Crest UnveilingThe 50 year affiliate class, 1971 (Professionally Done), was part of the inspiration for the design behind this crest. The simplicity yet timeless design of the Class of ’71 crest is represented in design of 2021’s crest. In addition, the horizontal banner that contains the motto ‘Until the Battle Is Won’ in our crest is reflective of the horizontal banner in the 1971 Crest. The Class of 2021 is the first class to have Davis Barracks in photographs of West Point. This year, Davis Barracks was opened and named after Lt. Gen. Benjamin O. Davis J, who graduated West Point in the 1936.

To honor his legacy, on the head of the eagle there are 36 distinct feathers to represent Davis’s graduation year. Though out the extensive design process, cadets expressed their desire to include elements of the crest that related back to the events of 9/11 because the Class of 2021 will graduate twenty years after 9/11. On the crest, displayed are 9 stars and 11 stripes on the flag. Included in the hilt of the Cadet Saber, there are 17 lines that represent the 17 different branches of the Army that cadets will have the privilege to join upon graduation.