First Call - November 10, 2020

Honoring Our Veterans

  Honoring Our Veterans

This Veterans Day and every day, WPAOG salutes our veterans and says “thank you” to the members of the Long Gray Line and to all the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our great nation.

WPAOG Named a Great Nonprofit

  WPAOG Named a Great Nonprofit

WPAOG is proud to announce that we have been selected as a “Best of 2020” nonprofit by GreatNonprofits! Every year GreatNonprofits, the leading platform for aggregating stakeholder/user reviews of nonprofits, publishes a list of the best nonprofit organizations. This year, WPAOG came out on top with an average of at least 4 out 5 star reviews. GreatNonprofits, a review site like TripAdvisor or Yelp, has been honoring nonprofit organizations with their Awards since 2010 and recipients include organizations such as Vet Tix, Soldier’s Angels, and Operation Troop Appreciation. WPAOG would not have won this award without all of the great reviews that our graduates submitted, and we continue to be successful because of our volunteer leaders who we aim to support. If you haven’t already, submit your experience with WPAOG and spread awareness for all of our hard-working employees who serve West Point and the Long Gray Line each and every day. Thank You.

39 West Point Teams Battle for 12 Spots in Spring Sandhurst Competition

  Fall Sandhurst

Blustery, chilly, frozen conditions with snowflakes occasionally falling from the sky welcomed the cadet teams preparing for the onslaught of tasks that came with earning the right to get to the spring Sandhurst Competition. The Fall Sandhurst Competition October 30-31 was a battle among 39 teams, including all 36 cadet companies, two brigade teams and one U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School team around West Point and the USMA training areas. The competition determined which 12 teams would earn the USMA spots in the annual Sandhurst Military Skills Competition that takes place at West Point in the spring. Full story. Photos. RESULTS.

And the Winner Is...

  2020 WPAOG Button Contest Winner

We are pleased to announce Monica Sweatt, parent of a Firstie, as the winner of the 2nd WPAOG Army-Navy Spirit Button Design Contest. Monica was thrilled to learn her design was selected, and wanted the design to be simple so that every member of the Long Gray Line and Army could appreciate and wear it proudly. Read more about the inspiration behind her design! Don’t forget to register for our first virtual Beat Navy Tailgate which begins at 1:30pm EST on Saturday, December 12. The first 1500 registrants to register by November 19 will receive two Army-Navy Spirit Buttons per household.

Fight On To Victory

  Fight On To Victory

Army will host its first ever Virtual 5K Turkey Trot between the dates of Sunday, November 22 to Sunday, November 29. Virtual racers are encouraged to use treadmills at home or go outside and practice safe social distancing while walking, jogging or running a route of your choice. All proceeds from the event will go to the Army A Club Fight on to Victory Campaign in support of more than 1,000 outstanding cadet-athletes.

Cadets Take Part In First Virtual LEADS Event

  Virtual LEADS Event

For one who wishes to become an officer in the Army, the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), USMA or Officer Candidate School are the usual options to consider. However, how does one become inspired to make that life-changing decision? "The LEADS program was the only influence I had in joining West Point," Class of 2021 Cadet Lawrence Shepherd said as he explained his role as the cadet-in-charge of the event. During the event, 23 cadets interacted with Junior ROTC high school students for the virtual Leadership, Ethics and Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (LEADS) workshop on Friday. Out of the 23 cadets, 15 local Michigan cadets took part in coordinating the event. Full story.

SOSH Run Tradition Continues During COVID

  SOSH Run Tradition Continues During COVID

What better way to hand in your end-of-semester research paper than dressing in a costume? On November 5, cadets continued the tradition of the SOSH Run, rushing to deliver their final papers to the Department of Social Sciences by 4:30pm. Photos.

Stay Connected


Looking to connect with former classmates or expand your alumni network? Click the link below to activate your free Sallyport account using the same email address where you are receiving this newsletter and access all of the resources including the Grad Link Community. Get ready to explore your alumni network with only one login from any computer or mobile device in the world! Activate your Account! Download our app from the  Apple App Store or  Google Play.

New Benefit for Veterans & Gold Star Families

Starting November 11, veterans and Gold Star families will be able to visit national parks and other public lands for free, under a new initiative from the Department of the Interior. Active-duty servicemembers and their families are already granted free access to those sites under existing department rules. The new announcement broadens that benefit to more than 20 million more individuals in recognition of their service and sacrifice on behalf of the country. In a statement, Interior Secretary David Bernhardt said the move gives all veterans “free access to the iconic and treasured lands they fought to protect.” Read more.


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Welcome Home!

  Welcome Home!

The Army/Navy Game returns to West Point for the first time since 1943. Celebrate this historic event with our exclusive special edition Army fan gear. Pre-order your t-shirts and glasses now for delivery ahead of the game. These items are the perfect tailgate accessories! Orders close on Sunday, November 15. Product ships Army/Navy week. Order online at WPAOGGiftShop.com or call us at 800.426.4725, M-F 10am – 5pm.

Brick & Paver – A Perfect Holiday Gift

  Brick & Paver – A Perfect Holiday Gift

The holidays are right around the corner! If you are you still looking for the perfect gift for your West Point Graduate, the West Point Association of Graduates Brick and Paver Program provides the perfect way to honor your loved one with a brick or paver on the grounds of Herbert Alumni Center at West Point! To learn more about the program, please visit us online or call 845.446.1605.

Register of Graduates Now on Sale!

  Register of Graduates Now on Sale!

In an all-new update of WPAOG’s most historic publication, the 2020 Register of Graduates & Former Cadets contains more than 77,000 individual entries recording the names, classes and careers of every West Point graduate from 1802 to 2020. The 2020 Edition features a premium “Red Sash” red cloth binding embossed with gold foil, suitable for display in your office or home library. Early Bird pricing is $115 (plus tax for applicable states). After March 31, 2021 the price will increase to $150! So order now online or call us Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm at 800.426.4725.

Calling All West Point Authors!

  Calling All West Point Authors!

Reserve your space in the Spring 2021 West Point Authors Bookshelf, a specially-priced advertising section in West Point magazine showcasing books by West Point affiliated authors. Check out the latest West Point Bookshelf in the Fall 2020 issue to discover and support these books. Learn more about this and other WPAOG advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

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