First Call - May 27, 2020

Join WPAOG for West Point Graduation June 13 via Livestream

  West Point Graduation June 13 via Livestream

USMA’s response to COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020. The Academy plans a special celebration to be broadcast via livestream to provide a wider opportunity for graduates and all Americans to be a part of this unique and historic celebration. The broadcast will celebrate the Class of 2020, highlight West Point, and will have special messages from the USMA leader team, 50-year affiliate class members, and notable graduates. The ceremony will take place on the Plain and President Donald Trump will deliver the commencement speech as originally planned prior to the pandemic. Please save the date of June 13 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm and stay tuned for more details.

Watch WPAOG’s 2030 Strategic Plan Video

  Watch WPAOG’s 2030 Strategic Plan Video

On May 22, WPAOG's 151st Birthday, we shared this video highlighting our Strategic Plan for the future of WPAOG as we continue to serve West Point and the Long Gray Line. Originally designed for Founders Day celebrations, it is a dynamic summary of WPAOG’s 2030 Strategic Plan to advance our alumni body’s remarkable record of service to West Point and to one another. The plan builds on the many existing connections among graduates, and defines a campaign for the next decade to continue to unlock the power of the Long Gray Line.

Returning USMA 2020 Safely to West Point

  Returning USMA 2020 Safely to West Point

After LTG Darryl A. Williams ’83, USMA Superintendent, announced March 19 that the Corps of Cadets would not be returning from spring break as planned, Academy leadership immediately began planning how and when cadets would arrive back at West Point. The plan took effect May 26 as the first members of the Class of 2020 returned to West Point to begin outprocessing prior to their graduation ceremony June 13. The cadets, who were spread throughout the country, have to return to the Academy before beginning their Army careers. Read the full story of the planning process and how USMA will execute the plan.

Updated Grad Link Coming Soon

  Updated Grad Link Coming Soon

Did you know Grad Link powered by Sallyport will make your relationship with the Long Gray Line stronger and easier than ever before? We are placing all Grad Link resources into the Sallyport application to enhance your connections to the West Point family by using one single profile. Get ready to explore your alumni network from any computer or mobile device in the world! Activate your account now with the same email address where you are receiving this newsletter!

6/9-6/12 Washington, DC SACC Is Going Virtual

  6/9-6/12 Washington, DC SACC Is Going Virtual

The Service Academy Career Conference (SACC) is dedicated to assisting our alumni in their career transitions, no matter the location or platform. Now more than ever, we recognize how important it is for our alumni to make valuable career and educational connections. Register now to join us online!


  • Participate in three days of employer webinars June 9-11
  • Connect virtually with recruiters from industry-leading employers on June 12
  • Meet with companies who are actually hiring!
  • New & improved virtual career event platform!
  • Employers are already reaching out to prospective candidates for introductory, pre-screen phone calls
  • Do not miss out on this opportunity to get a job offer during this financial crisis

Text “careerservices” to 51555 to stay up to date on hot jobs, webinars and announcements from the WPAOG Career Services team.

It’s All About Dad

  It’s All About Dad

Celebrate all the West Point Dads in your life with a little something from the WPAOG Gift Shop. Whether Dad likes to hit the links, take in a game, or just relax, we have something for everyone this Father’s Day. Browse our selection of polos, tees, hats, and accessories to find something Dad is sure to love. Shop online at WPAOGGiftShop.com, or by phone at 800.426.4725. Happy Father’s Day!

DPW Custodial Crew Deep Cleans Barracks Before Cadets Return

  DPW Custodial Crew Deep Cleans Barracks Before Cadets Return

As cadets return to the barracks, they should instantly notice the spick-and-span cleanliness of the buildings compared to what they left in early March prior to spring break and the COVID-19 pandemic. Since late March, the Directorate of Public Works’ custodial barracks crew has been working intensely (literally seven days a week) to deep clean the barracks. Full story.

COVID-19 Tests for All Returning Cadets and Soldiers

  WPS CT Hosts Historic Virtual Founders Day

As the Corps of Cadets returns to the academy, each cadet will be tested for COVID-19, starting with members of the Class of 2020 from May 26-30. Soldiers from the 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division from Fort Polk, LA, who will be conducting summer training will also be tested as they begin arriving in mid-June. The testing process will be handled by medical professionals from Keller Army Community Hospital, which is located on-post at West Point. KACH currently has two GeneXpert 16 testing analyzers in its lab and is scheduled to receive two more soon. Read more.

Calling ALL Grads! Join Us in Serving the Long Gray Line

  Join Us in Serving the Long Gray Line

Have you ever considered serving on the WPAOG Board of Directors or Advisory Council or do you know someone who would be an excellent candidate? Nominations for the WPAOG Board of Directors and Advisory Council are now being accepted through July 1. Let this video with current Directors and Advisors inspire you! Learn more about the nomination process on our website.

Class of 2020 Academic Excellence

  USMA 2020 Academic Excellence

The Dean of the Academic Board, BG Cindy Jebb ’82 congratulates the 29 Class of 2020 cadets who received prestigious graduate and technical scholarships such as Rhodes, Schwarzman, Marshall, Fulbright, Knight-Hennessy, National Science Foundation and Lincoln Labs fellowships. She also recognized the 20 members of the Class who will be heading straight to medical school upon graduation. Congratulations to these cadets for their outstanding achievement!

Grad Stories: Serving in Response to COVID-19

  Darlene “Cookie” Wilson ’85 and Joe Quinn ’02

Thank you for sending in your stories! Keep them coming, as we are truly enjoying the chance to feature your dedication. Recent stories highlighted Darlene “Cookie” Wilson ’85 and Joe Quinn ’02. Wilson, a nursing instructor in Austin, TX volunteered to work in the emergency department at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens when she learned that New York City hospitals were struggling to handle the influx of patients. Quinn and some fellow graduates created a program for people to nominate medical workers and other emergency staff who have been serving the public throughout the Covid-19 outbreak to receive a thoughtful care package with a note of thanks from Feltman's of Coney Island in Queens, NY.

Save the Date: WPAOG Leaders Conference

The West Point Association of Graduates Leaders Conference, sponsored by the Class of 1967, is going virtual on Thursday, August 13th. All Class, Society, and Parents Club leaders are invited to attend from their homes. More information to follow.


Quick Links

•  Be Thou At Peace
•  Cadet News
•  Grad News
•  Find A Grad
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•  Gift Shop
•  Order TAPS
•  Case For Support


West Point Cadets Win Lockheed Martin Engineering Competition

  West Point Cadets Win Lockheed Martin Engineering Competition

This year, three cadet groups worked on projects sponsored by Lockheed Martin and at the conclusion of their research competed in the 8th annual Sustainment Innovation Competition. During the annual competition, cadets and midshipmen from West Point and the U.S. Naval and Air Force Academies present Lockheed Martin-sponsored projects to a panel of judges. Despite all but one of the twelve being non-systems engineering majors, the cadet teams place first, third and fourth out of nine teams. Full story.

2020 All Academy Challenge Postponed

  2020 All Academy Challenge Postponed

The 2020 All Academy Challenge is postponed as the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact our communities and our families. During the All Academy Challenge, West Point joins together with the Naval, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine academies to support the future leaders of our nation. We will update you when we have new dates. Thank you for your continuing support of the Challenge year-over-year and the Margin of Excellence. To see any future updates or learn more about last year’s Challenge, click here.

Engrave Your Legacy in Stone at Herbert Alumni Center

  Engrave Your Legacy in Stone at Herbert Alumni Center

WPAOG’s Brick and Paver program provides an opportunity for graduates and friends of West Point to honor a loved one, classmate, friend, or member of the West Point community in a significant, lasting way with a meaningful inscription. These brick and paver paths surrounding Herbert Alumni Center serve as a permanent, elegant, and recognizable remembrance to all our visitors, while also being a thoughtful and unique gift! There is still time to donate a brick or paver this year – the fall installation deadline is July 1. For more information and to place your order, please visit our website or contact us at brick@wpaog.org.

West Point Center for Oral History Outreach

  West Point Center for Oral History Outreach

The West Point Center for Oral History is thrilled to report an increased use of our oral history interviews outside of West Point. Recently, the Commander of the 37th Engineer Battalion in the 82nd Airborne Division used oral histories for his Leader Professional Development program. Each junior leader watched an interview, responded to a series of questions, and generated a follow-on question for the interviewee, eliciting several responses (Ken Yoshitani ’65, Gary Steele ’70). In Pennsylvania, two high school students created a documentary using our footage for a History Day project. Their project on the Class of 1980, “Women at West Point: Breaking Barriers of the Long Gray Line,” won first prize in Pennsylvania. They will be competing at Nationals in June. We are thankful for our supporters, without whom we could not accomplish our mission.

2nd Annual Army Spirit Button Design Contest

  Last Years Army Spirit Button Design Contest Winner

Looking for an activity to do while you’re home? The designer of the 2020 Army West Point Spirit Button will receive two free tickets to attend the GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY TAILGATE on December 12! All 1,500 attendees at the tailgate will receive the winner’s button. For instructions on the button design content, click here. Digital entries only.

GEN Dempsey ’74 Virtual Performance with “Downrange”

  GEN Dempsey ’74 Virtual Performance with “Downrange”

Inspired by the resiliency of the country during the novel coronavirus pandemic, GEN(R) Martin Dempsey ’74, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, collaborated with the U.S. Army pop/rock band "Downrange" to produce a song titled “America.” In an interview with ABC News, Dempsey said that military bands exist to inspire and encourage Americans, as well as remind them “who we are in the toughest times.” The lyrics, written by Dempsey, are set to the Scottish folk song “Caledonia” by Dougie MacLean with a new musical arrangement by Army MSG Dan Roberts. Read more.


Order Your 2020 TAPS

  WPAOG Taps

TAPS, the official memorial magazine of the Long Gray Line, contains the fascinating and inspiring life stories of West Point graduates. Advance orders for the 2020 edition may now be placed online. We are now accepting Memorial Articles for the 2021 edition. Guidance on submitting articles may be found online or by calling 845.446.1647.

Follow WPAOG on Instagram!

  Follow WPAOG on Instagram!

We are less than 110 away from our goal of 10,000 followers! Take us over the top and stay up to date on the latest West Point alumni news! From exclusive photography to information on upcoming alumni events, like and share our posts and videos with fellow grads, family and friends.

Calling All West Point Authors!

  Calling All West Point Authors!

Reserve your space in the Fall 2020 West Point Authors Bookshelf, a specially-priced advertising section in West Point magazine showcasing books by West Point affiliated authors. Check out the latest West Point Bookshelf in the Winter 2020 issue to discover and support these books. Learn more about this and other WPAOG advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

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