First Call - July 12, 2023

Storm Clean Up

  Flooding at West Point

As you may have heard, West Point, and a few surrounding communities, were hit hard with the flooding. The flooding has impacted the property of our grads and employees at West Point and within a several mile radius of the installation. Roads are washed out. The Herbert Alumni Center also sustained minor water damage; the WPAOG staff is still working and providing support. West Point facilities, many funded by WPAOG donors, have also been impacted by the flooding. We have begun cleanup, continue to assess the damage, and are working with leaders at West Point to ensure we support the Academy with restoration. If you’re planning to travel to West Point in the next few days, please check with West Point Garrison for gate and road closures.


  R-Day 2023

WPAOG welcomed more than 560 families from the Class of 2027 during the Pre R-Day Ice Cream Social. The Class of 1977 was on hand ready to support the more than 1,200 Cadet Candidates and their families as they reported for R-Day. Photos.

Class of 2026 Flag

  Flag Ceremony 2023

The Class of 2026 received its West Point Class Flag during the graduation ceremony for CFTII at Camp Buckner. The flag was a gift from the Class of 1976, their 50-Year Affiliate Class. During the ceremony, BG(R) Jim Warner '76 had the honor of presenting the flag to the class, accompanied by five of his classmates LTC(R) Gus Ortiz '76, COL(R) Richard Marchant '76, LTC(R) Jeffery Brooks '76, MG(R) Randy Morgan '76 and LTC(R) Greg Schmitz '76. The Class of 2026 flag will now accompany the class during all major class events between now and graduation day. Photos.

Class of 2023

  USMA Class of 2023 Recap

Here’s a look back at your 47-months at West Point. As you head to schools and assignments, remember to update your profile, network with us on Linked In, and follow us on social media for updates!

Stay in Touch with West Point

There’s so much great news around West Point that we can’t include it all in First Call. Grad News is all about the Long Gray Line, and USMA & Cadet News highlights the Corps and the Academy. You can also follow WPAOG on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and listen to our podcast.


Quick Links

•  Be Thou At Peace
•  Cadet News
•  Grad News
•  Find A Grad
•  Profile Update
•  Gift Shop
•  Order TAPS


Physically Fit and Mentally Tough

  WPAOG Podcast with COL Nicholas Gist ‘94 and Dr. Jesse Germain ‘87

In this episode, we had the privilege of interviewing COL Nicholas Gist '94, Department Head of Physical Education, and Dr. Jesse Germain '87, Director of Kinesiology. They shared a look inside DPE and invaluable insights on staying both physically fit and mentally tough. Listen.

San Diego Happenings

  West Point Entrepreneurs and Career Services

The next Service Academy Career Conference (SACC) is scheduled for August 17-18 in San Diego. For more info and to see the list of participating companies, click here.

If you will be joining us in San Diego for the SACC, then be sure to stop by and network on August 16 at Kansas City Barbeque - AKA “the Top Gun” bar - starting at 5pm PST. This event is co-hosted by West Point Entrepreneurs and the Career Services team and is free for Alumni. RSVP now!

Get in the Swing

  WPAOG Gift Shop Tee Time

While we cannot offer pro-tips on your golf game, we can make sure your bag is up to par! Our new West Point golf headcovers are proudly made in the USA and available at wpaoggiftshop.com. Each style is a custom design for the WPAOG from superior materials and excellent craftsmanship and are ready to add a little Army spirit to your swing! Give us a call at 800.426.4725 (M-F/10am-5pm) or order online 24/7.

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