First Call - August 26, 2020

All Academy Challenge Results

  All Academy Challenge Results

Thank you to the West Point community, who came together in record numbers for the 2020 All Academy Challenge, with gifts totaling $2.1 million. Given the difficult and unprecedented time we are living through, it was even more meaningful that graduates from all the service academies rallied together to show their support for the future leaders of our military and nation. It was a close race with Merchant Marine for all five days. We narrowly came in second, with 22.2 percent of the Long Gray Line (11,575 West Point graduates) supporting the Challenge. Check here to see the 2020 All Academy Challenge by the Numbers and the final class standings.

USMA 2022 Affirmation Ceremony

  USMA 2022 Affirmation Ceremony

On August 16, the evening before classes began, the cow class retook their Oath and affirmed their commitment to complete the next two years of study and serve their five-year active duty service obligation, followed by three years of Reserve duty. The Class of 1972, the 50-Year Affiliation class, virtually “gripped hands” with the Class of 2022 to congratulate them on their Affirmation. LTG (R) Robert L. VanAntwerp ’72 addressed the Class of 2022 via video. Video of the ceremony. Photos.

USMA 2024 Officially Joins the Corps

  USMA 2024 Officially Joins the Corps

After enduring four weeks of Cadet Basic Training and overcoming many challenges, the Class of 2024 officially integrated into the Corps of Cadets during the Acceptance Day Parade on August 15. The plebes (freshman) spent Reorganization Week on The Plain rehearsing parade formation and marching in cadence in preparation for the ceremony. They also acquired textbooks and laptops for the upcoming semester. Training concluded with festive music performed by the West Point Band and the plebes marching triumphantly onto The Plain donning their white over grays with white face masks. The plebes filed into their companies and marched in formation past the reviewing party as they were accepted into the Corps. Video. Photos.

Cadets Return to Class in Myriad of Ways

  Cadets Return to Class in Myriad of Ways

Hybrid classes are just one of the ways West Point has adapted for academic year 2020-21 in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cadets attending the first day of classes on August 17 was the culmination of a months-long planning process that began in April. The first step was developing possible scenarios for the fall semester. A small team of professors was given the task of developing different scenarios of what the conditions could be in the fall based on what was known about COVID-19. The final determination was to build the plan based on the academic year starting at Health Protection Condition Bravo (low to moderate threat of community transmission of the COVID-19 virus, but necessitates protective measures being put in place). Full story.

Kick Back and Relax

  Kick Back and Relax

Weekends are for fun, friends, and frosted glasses! Spend your weekends enjoying your favorite beverage in these specially designed glasses from the WPAOG Gift Shop. The West Point Map Glasses show off all things West Point, while the Army Sport Map Glasses will have you cheering for your Army West Point Black Knights. Each design allows you to choose your look, and both are available in three sizes: 16oz Pint, 14oz Rock, or the newest size, the 1.5oz Shot Glass. Buy one or mix and match designs for a perfect West Point set. Shop online at WPAOGGiftShop.com, or by phone at 1.800.426.4725.

WPAOG Board Holds Special Meeting

  WPAOG Board Holds Special Meeting

Your WPAOG Board of Directors recently convened a special meeting on the subject of racism. Led by a professional, outside facilitator, our dialogue prompted genuine retrospection. Discussion ensued on the definitional aspects and inter-connectivity among the various facets of racism, diversity, and inclusion. Perhaps most importantly, it underscored the necessity for policy changes and positive action. From a WPAOG perspective, the meeting was a natural follow-on to the Chairman’s June 15th letter to the Long Gray Line (LGL) on racism. It was a bridge to continued coordinated efforts to acknowledge, identify and eliminate racism in all forms within WPAOG. Full story.

August Entrepreneur Virtual Speaker Series Postponed

  August Entrepreneur Virtual Speaker Series Postponed

The West Point Entrepreneur Virtual Speaker Series has been postponed to Thursday, September 3 from 2pm-3:30pm EDT with:

  • Jarvis V. Hollingsworth ’85, General Counsel at Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors, L.P. and Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Teacher Retirement System of Texas
  • Clay DeGiacinto ’95, Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer at Axonic Capital LLC.
The decision to postpone is due to expected connectivity issues we may experience with Hurricane Laura which is expected to strike Texas. There is no need to re-register for this event if you were already scheduled to attend and we will send out Zoom details early next week. For those that haven’t registered, but can now attend, please register here. Registration closes at 5pm on Tuesday, September 1. Please refer to the schedule on the Summit website for more details.

USMA Welcomes New Command Sergeant Major

  USMA Welcomes New Command Sergeant Major

West Point welcomed CSM Michael J. Coffey as the 21st USMA senior enlisted leader during an assumption of responsibility ceremony on August 17. Before assuming responsibility, Coffey was the command sergeant major for the 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart, GA. WPAOG extends a warm welcome to CSM Coffey and his wife, Leslie, as they join the West Point family.

Update Your WPAOG Records

Now is a great time to take a few minutes to make sure all your profile information is up to date. Just login at WestPointAOG.org/profile and complete all of the sections. An important step is to update your Register of Graduates entry. This career biography should contain as a minimum your military assignments (and decorations) and can also include your career after the military. If you really want to “beef up” your records, consider these ideas for your Cullum File – and complete an online Vital Stats sheet.


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Grad Link

  Grad Link

Let Grad Link make your relationship with the Long Gray Line stronger and easier than ever before! Grad Link is now integrated with the Sallyport application to enhance your connections to the West Point family by using one single profile. Get ready to explore your alumni network from any computer or mobile device in the world! Activate your account now with the same email address where you are receiving this newsletter!

2020 West Point Leaders Conference

  2020 West Point Leaders Conference

Like many organizations this year, WPAOG had to adapt its traditional events calendar to the new reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the popular annual Leaders Conference—sponsored by the Class of 1967—went virtual. Over 370 people attended the conference from around the globe, including Class, Society, and Parents Club Leaders, as well as Board members, Advisors, Committees, and other members of the Long Gray Line. Much of the conference focused on learning to adapt to the new virtual environment that leaders are operating in, from online meetings and virtual events to working from home. Read more about this year’s event in the upcoming Fall issue of West Point.

Calling All West Point Authors!

  Calling All West Point Authors!

Reserve your space in the Spring 2021 West Point Authors Bookshelf, a specially-priced advertising section in West Point magazine showcasing books by West Point affiliated authors. Check out the latest West Point Bookshelf in the Winter 2020 issue to discover and support these books. Learn more about this and other WPAOG advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

Army-Navy Spirit Button Contest

  Last Years Army Spirit Button Design Contest Winner

Have some free time? Take part in our 2nd annual Army-Navy Button Design Contest. Entries are due Friday, August 28, and the winner will receive 2 free tailgate tickets. Tailgate details to follow.

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